Witr prayer

How to pray Witr?

Witr's prayer is composed of one rak'a (prayer unit). To make salat al witr, one must make a unity as if it were the second, ie with tashahhoud and ibrahimiya prayer. One of the specificities of this prayer is that sometimes, before prostrating, one can make many invocations by raising one's hands. This is called du'a al qunut.

When to pray Witr, and until when?

Witr's prayer can be fulfilled after doing isha. His time ends when it comes time to al fajr. You can not pray 2 witr in one night.

Is Witr's prayer obligatory?

Witr's prayer is not obligatory. But his accomplishment is very strongly recommended. If we love the prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam), then let's follow what he showed us as a model in fulfilling the al witr prayer. Supererogatory actions are never too much. The more baggage we have for the future, the better for us. Nobody can claim to have enough.

How to pray al Witr?

The Witr salat is therefore 1 rak'a:

  • Plan to pray al witr
  • Do 1 units of prayer aloud
  • You can add dua al qunut before the 1st prostration
  • At the end of this rak'ah, recite the tashahhoud
  • Add one of ibrahimiya prayers
  • Pass the salam on the right then on the left

Your Witr prayer is over.

Folder on the prayer:

Tue 10 Muharram
الثلاثاء 10 محرّم

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