What Cancels Prayer

The Acts do not make in his Salat

If you commit any of the actions listed below, your prayer is ipso facto canceled. So be careful not to commit his actions so that your salat is not canceled. In Arabic, this is called al mubtilat (those that cancel)

  1. The loss of ablutions
  2. Drop one of conditions of prayer
  3. Eat or drink voluntarily
  4. Speaking voluntarily (except to correct the imam)
  5. Excessive movements (in relation to posture)
  6. Laughing (not smiling)
  7. Pray too quickly, without stopping between 2 positions
  8. Pray more or less unity than prescribed (ex: pray Dhouhr 8 rak'at)
  9. Do not catch up a missed obligation

Folder on the prayer:

Sun 16 Ramadan
الأحد 16 رمضان

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