Les Recommandations dans la SalatWhat is Sunna in PrayerThe Muslim is advised to perform his prayer by adding the prophetic recommendations. All that is listed is not mandatory, of course. But if you can do it, it's better for your prayer.
1) Raise your handsIt is recommended to raise your hands up to the shoulders in 4 situations:
2) Put your right hand on your left handThe companions did it. [Reported by al Bukhari] 3) Invoke Allah after the first takbirMultiple invocations are possible. Here it is: Soubhanak allahumma wa bihamdik, wa tabarakasmouk, wa ta'ala djaddouk, wa la ilaha ghayrouk." [Muslim] 4) Request protection against Shaytan (al isti'adha)Say"Ahuhbillahi min ash-Shaytan ar-radjim". 5) Say"Amin"at the end of the fatiha (at-tamin)The prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:" He whose taimin coincides with the tamin of angels will see his sins forgiven" [Narrated by al-Bukhari] The tamin in Arabic is simply saying"amin", just like basmallah is the say bismillahi arrahmani arrahim. 6) Recite the Qur'an after the fatihaThe prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)" recited in the first 2 units of Dhuhr, the fatiha and 2 suras; in the last two, the only fatiha. He did the same for the asr and as-soubh." [Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim] 7) Takbir by changing positionThe prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)" said"Allahu akbar"by changing position." [Reported by Ahmed] 8) Summon Allah by being inclinedSaying" Soubhana rabbi al adhim" [Muslim] or" Subhanaka rabbana wa bihamdik, Allahumma ghfirli [al-Bukhari] 9) Summon Allah by straightening upSaying" Sami'allahu liman hamidah"standing up and" Rabbana wa laka al hamd"while standing [Reported by Muslim] 10) Summon Allah by prostratingSay" Soubhana rabbi al a'la"while being prostrate and then invoke Allah in this position favorable to the summoning of invocations. [Reported by Muslim] 11) Make a dowry between the two prostrationsSaying this invocation for example" Allahoumma ghfirli, wa rhamni, wa'i eti, wa hdini, wa rzouqni." [Reported by -Tirmidhi] 12) The intermediate tashahhoudAt a prayer of 3 or 4 units (all mandatory prayers outside al fadjr), the tashahhoud after the first 2 units is not mandatory. 13) Pray on the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallamAfter the last tashahhud, it is recommended to pray on the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. This prayer is also called as-salawutul ibrahimiyya:"Allahoumma salli 'ala mouhammedin wa' ala ali mouhammed, kama sallayta 'ala ibrahima wa' ala ali ibrahim, wa barik 'ala mouhammdin wa' ala ali muhammed, kama barakta 'ala ibrahima wa' ala ali ibrahim, wire 'alamina innaka hamidoun madjid.' [Reported by Muslim] 14) Summon Allah before salamSay the following invocation:" Allahoumma inni a'udhou bika min 'adhabi djahannam, wa min' adhabil qabr, wa min fitnati al mahya wal mamat, wa min fitnati sharril massihi dadjal." [Narrated by Muslim] Then, it is recommended to make a personal invocation. You now understand why in general, the imam seems to take time before salam. 15) Raise your voice or lower it according to the prayersIt is recommended to raise your voice (without shouting either) in the first 2 units of al maghrib and al'isha, as well as during the 2 prayer units of al fajr. Folder on the prayer:
Sun 16 Ramadan
الأحد 16 رمضان |
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