Degrees of Achievement of SalatFirst Degree in PrayerIt is the level of the one who is careless and harms his soul. He is the one who fails in the correct accomplishment of the ablutions, the prayer in his time, his indicated limits and in the fulfillment of his essential pillars. This type of prior is punished and must absolutely make sure to correct his mistakes. Level 2: pray with an absent heartHe who preserves his prayers in their proper time and in their indicated limits, accomplishes their essential pillars and performs his ablutions with care. However, his effort (in achieving this) is lost by whispers in his prayer, so he is carried away by thoughts and ideas. This prior will be accountable. Level 3: pray while fighting his waswasHe who preserves his prayers within the limits indicated, accomplishes their essential pillars and strives to repel whispers, thoughts and ideas. He is busy fighting his enemy (Chaytan) so that he will not rob him of his prayer. For this reason, he is engaged in prayer and fighting against his nafs. This type of prior will see his sins and faults expiated. Level 4: pray with humility and fearHe who stands for prayer, completes and perfects his rights, his essential pillars, executes this within his indicated limits and his heart is absorbed by the preservation of his rights and limits indicated, so that nothing is wasted . His whole concern is directed towards his establishment, his completion and his perfection, as it should be. His heart is immersed in prayer and submission to his Glorified Lord. This prior will be rewarded. Level 5: pray as if Allah is in front of youWhoever is standing for prayer like the one mentioned above. However, on top of that, he took and placed his heart before his Lord, looking to Him with his heart with expectation, filled with His love and strength, as if he were before Allah. The whispers, thoughts and ideas are gone and the obstacles between him and his Lord are lifted. What is there between this person and others with regard to prayer, is greater and greater than what is between heaven and earth. This person is occupied by his Lord, delighted by Him. Whoever makes his prayer, the delight and the apple of his eyes, will have the nearness of his Lord in the hereafter. He will also be a pleasure for him in this world, because whoever makes Allah his priority in this world gets His satisfaction. Folder on the prayer:
Sun 16 Ramadan
الأحد 16 رمضان |
Français : al hamdoulillah | Arabic : الحمد الله © 2025