Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Asma bint Abu Bakr

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Blog sur l'islam et les musulmans

companions of the prophet muhammad pbuh asma bint abu bakr

Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Asma bint Abu Bakr

Asma bint Abu Bakr was the daughter of Abu Bakr, a close companion of the Prophet Muhammad and the first caliph of Islam. She was known for her intelligence, wisdom, and righteousness and was highly respected among the early Muslim community. Asma was also known for her charitable works, including … [lire la suite]

responsive parenting in islam

Responsive Parenting in Islam

Responsive parenting, also known as attachment parenting, is a parenting style that emphasizes the importance of building a strong emotional bond with your child. In Islam, the concept of responsive parenting is supported by the teachings of the Qur’an and the example set by the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon … [lire la suite]

taliban bans women from universities in afghanistan

Taliban bans women from universities in Afghanistan

Teachers in Kabul reported that Taliban security troops spread out to various universities and informal educational institutions on Wednesday, enforcing an order that appeared to bar most girls from continuing their education past the sixth grade. « Some students started verbal arguments with them, but they didn’t listen. My students left … [lire la suite]

why do muslim women wear a hijab

Why do Muslim Women Wear a Hijab

Islam is a religion that protects the rights of human beings in every aspect of their lives. It establishes the rules to put one’s life in excellent order, from the social and economic norms to the family norms, for example, and orders Muslims to follow them. Muslim women are advised … [lire la suite]

how to make wudu step by step guide

How to Make Wudu: Step-by-Step Guide

Cleanliness (Taharah) is a necessary precondition of Islamic worship. Wudu is an essential part of Cleanliness. Salah (prayer) is invalid without Wudu’ or Tayammum(dry Ablution). Allah says in the Qur’an: « Surely Allah loves those who turn to Him and those who care for cleanliness » (2:22). How to Make Wudu: Step-by-Step … [lire la suite]

never lose hope in allahs mercy

Never Lose Hope in Allah’s Mercy

Allah Almighty is full of love and kindness to His creation. All blessings and goodness in this world and the next are clear proofs of His mercy. Indeed, Islam teaches that Allah is merciful toward us than our mothers. How can it be otherwise when some of Allah’s names and … [lire la suite]

subhanallah meaning in islam when why do muslims say it

SubhanAllah Meaning in Islam: When & Why Do Muslims Say It

‘Or have they a deity other than Allah? Subhanallah [exalted is Allah above] whatever they associate with Him.’ (Surah Al-Isra 17:43) SubhanAllah means Allah is perfect in every sense of the word, without any weakness, defect, or imperfection. SubhanAllah Meaning in Islam: When & Why Do Muslims Say It? We … [lire la suite]

how to learn to say no

How to Learn to Say ‘No’

Saying ‘yes’ to every request or opportunity can be harmful, especially when it stands in the way of us living in line with our values. So, how do we learn to say ‘no’ gracefully? In Greg McKeown’s book « Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, » the idea of saying ‘no’ to … [lire la suite]

how to co regulate with your child

How to Co-Regulate with Your Child

Co-regulation is using your nervous system to regulate someone else’s, in this case, your child. The biggest sensory tool you have to offer is yourself. You will notice the majority of these strategies involve using your body and yourself as sensory tools. They involve no fancy equipment or toys, just … [lire la suite]

companions of the prophet abdullah ibn umm maktum

Companions of the Prophet – Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum

Abdullah ibn um Maktum was a cousin of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Mother of the Believers. May God be pleased with her. His father was Qays ibn Zaid, and his mother was Aatikah bint Abdullah. She was called um Maktum (Mother of the Concealed One) because she gave birth to a … [lire la suite]

human traffickers capture thousands of refugee children across europe

Human Traffickers Capture Thousands of Refugee Children Across Europe

Hundreds and thousands of children who separated from their parents during migration towards Europe became victims of human trafficking in the countries they went to. The details of refugee children who left Ukraine due to the Russia-Ukraine war are still unclear. Human Traffickers Capture Thousands of Refugee Children Across Europe … [lire la suite]

powerful duas for forgiveness from allah

Powerful Duas for Forgiveness from Allah

Humans can make mistakes and commit sins, but Allah SWT is the most merciful. He loves His creatures and provides them chances to repent and seek forgiveness. Every time you sin, turn towards Allah SWT through different supplications. We will discuss some powerful duas for forgiveness from Allah in this … [lire la suite]

importance of marriage in islam

Importance of Marriage in Islam

One of Islam’s recognized and fundamental commandments is marriage, the sacred union that takes place only between a man and a woman. Concerning this revered bond, many verses of the noble Qur’an and countless examples encourage marriage for any single man or woman. It is not only limited to young … [lire la suite]

what is truthfulness in islam

What is Truthfulness in Islam?

Allah SWT says in the Qur’an, « O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true. » – [At-Tawbah:119] Truthfulness starts with a person being truthful in his relations with Allah SWT. We can not be truthful if we are not true to our Creator. We must … [lire la suite]

sharjah museum showcases rare quran manuscripts

Sharjah Museum showcases Rare Quran Manuscripts

Sharjah Museum Authority is showcasing several rare Quran manuscripts in Islamic calligraphy at the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization. It is ready to host « Sacred Words, Timeless Calligraphy: Highlights of Exceptional Calligraphy from the Hamid Jafar Qur’an Collection. » Sharjah Museum showcases Rare Quran Manuscripts. A collection of 50 Quran manuscripts … [lire la suite]

how to deal with toxic parents islamic perspective

How to Deal with Toxic Parents – Islamic Perspective

Toxic parent-child relationships can be emotionally and mentally challenging, affecting one’s overall well-being. In Islam, the family unit holds great significance, and maintaining healthy relationships, especially with parents, is emphasized. This article explores the Islamic perspective on dealing with toxic parents, offering insights and guidance for those facing such difficulties. … [lire la suite]

how to get freedom from anxiety depression and negative thoughts

How to Get Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, and Negative Thoughts?

Every morning we wake up and check our phones. We check how many likes our pictures got and our friends’ pictures got on social media channels. We are constantly racing to post new pictures or videos and worry about the number of likes or comments our content receives daily. In … [lire la suite]

how to keep your faith strong in challenging times

How to Keep Your Faith Strong in Challenging Times?

‘And among people, there is such a one who worships Allah only by the tongue, so that if good befalls him, he is satisfied in addition to that, and if a trial afflicts him, he turns back his face; he losses this world and (also) the Hereafter; that is indeed … [lire la suite]

us children born near fracking sites at risk of leukemia study reveals

US children born near fracking sites at risk of leukemia, study reveals

According to a recent study, exposure to fracking and its effects is a significant public health concern. New research published Wednesday found that children living near fracking and other unconventional drilling activities at birth are likely to be at higher risk of childhood leukemia. US children born near fracking sites … [lire la suite]

companions of the prophet pbuh bilal ibn rabah

Companions of the Prophet (PBUH): Bilal Ibn Rabah

Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an: « Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah [i.e., they have gone out for Jihad (holy fighting), and showed not their backs to the disbelievers]; of them, some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e., have been martyred); and some … [lire la suite]

the influence of muslim fathers on daughters

The Influence of Muslim Fathers on Daughters

As children, they experience many events and interactions with different people. All those individuals, events, and experiences play an integral role in a child’s emotional and social development. However, one primary factor is the relationship a child experiences with his parents. It holds immense importance in a child’s life and … [lire la suite]

7 ways to become a better listener as a muslim

7 Ways to Become a Better Listener as a Muslim

Communication is an integral factor in strengthening our relationships, be it personal or professional. Effective communication helps us succeed in various aspects of life and improves our personal and professional growth. As much as Islam teaches its followers to perform religious obligations, it also guides them to learn social values … [lire la suite]

climate crisis heavy rain paralyzed pakistans largest city

Climate Crisis: Heavy rain paralyzed Pakistan’s largest city

The monsoon season has become more of a hassle than a blessing for Pakistan. As the world experiences climate change and its aftermaths, the intense rain spells hit the country, creating destruction in urban and rural areas. The densely populated city in Pakistan, Karachi, has to witness a hopeless situation … [lire la suite]

women companions of the prophet pbuh al shifa bint abdullah

Women Companions of the Prophet (PBUH): Al-Shifa bint Abdullah

The beloved Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessing be upon him), had several faithful companions who helped him on all fronts for the propagation of Islam. Among the women companions of the Prophet (PBUH), Al-Shifa bint Abdullah (RA) was one of the first Muslims whose name is … [lire la suite]

the art of letting go how you can help your kids cope with death and grief

The Art of Letting Go – How You Can Help Your Kids Cope With Death and Grief

Kids generally know death as they watch cartoon movies or TV shows. Death is a reality of life, but when kids go through a loved one’s loss, it becomes challenging to manage their emotions. As parents, what is the art of letting go, and how you can help your kids … [lire la suite]

slow living explained from an islamic perspective

Slow Living Explained From an Islamic Perspective

Globalization and the Western hustle culture have acquired many of our lives over the years. Ever since the pandemic, many lifestyle trends have boomed up, and slow living has gained significant importance with time. In this blog, we will understand it in depth and learn how slow living is explained … [lire la suite]

who chief worried about new covid 19 wave

WHO Chief Worried about New COVID-19 Wave

On Tuesday, July 12, the head of the World Head Organization expressed concern that coronavirus cases and deaths are climbing, while monkeypox is also rising. So far, there have been nine thousand two hundred cases of monkeypox reported in sixty-three countries. « New waves of the virus demonstrate that Covid-19 is … [lire la suite]

companions of prophet muhammad pbuh abu ayub al ansari

Companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Abu Ayub Al Ansari

This individual was one of the outstanding Ansaar (helpers) of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and a man who indeed welcomed the Holy Messenger (PBUH) and his family to his house for months. He attained martyrdom; today, his grave is found in Istanbul, Turkey. In this … [lire la suite]

your children should connect with nature here is why

Your Children Should Connect with Nature, Here is Why

Nature is therapeutic, not only for adults but for children as well. Many of us have fond memories of spending time outdoors, in nature. We climbed trees, played in the rain and mud, and collected pebbles. Did we ever wonder how these fun activities helped us shape our brains, bodies, … [lire la suite]

growth mindset vs fixed mindset how to know what yours is

Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset – How to Know What Yours Is

You are right if you think your thoughts and capabilities matter the most in transforming your life. Our perception of our talents and abilities shapes our mood; it can also influence our accomplishments, whether we adopt new habits or try new skills. This subject discusses growth versus a fixed mindset … [lire la suite]

sam. 2 Sha'bane
السبت 2 شعبان

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