Human Traffickers Capture Thousands of Refugee Children Across Europe

human traffickers capture thousands of refugee children across europe
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Publié le 25 novembre 2022, par Samir | 8 h 38 min
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Hundreds and thousands of children who separated from their parents during migration towards Europe became victims of human trafficking in the countries they went to.

The details of refugee children who left Ukraine due to the Russia-Ukraine war are still unclear.

Human Traffickers Capture Thousands of Refugee Children Across Europe

Several International non-governmental organizations have created documentaries on using missing children in illegal activities like prostitution and human trafficking. However, it still does not show the data on missing children, those who are alive, and their whereabouts.

On World Children’s Day on Nov.20, Zehra Hopyaar, a researcher at Sakarya University’s Diaspora Research Center, studied the refugee children who disappeared in Europe. According to Anadolu Agency, those incidents of missing children in Europe began during the refugee crisis in 2015. Since then, the number of missing children in Europe has risen significantly. Those refugee children live miserable lives without fundamental rights, such as food, education, and health.

« According to the research of the Lost in Europe in 2021, over 18,000 migrant children went missing between 2018 and 2020, implying that 17 refugee children go missing in Europe every day. According to the researchers, data on this subject is frequently sparse and inconsistent, and information collection activities are carried out without collaboration with official authorities. It leads us to believe that the true figure is significantly greater, » Hopyar said.

She also briefed that 116 refugee children disappeared in the UK between July 2021 and August 2022.

« According to the Italian government, at least 2,409 children vanished in the first four months of 2022. According to the German Federal Criminal Office, around 1,600 children go missing in Germany each year, with more than half of these youngsters being asylum seekers, » she noted.

Crime Organizations

Zehra said organizations involved in criminal activities misuse migrant children in Europe. They use them to commit crimes like human trafficking, organ mafia, forced begging, and prostitution. She also said that those young children forcefully work in dangerous industries, including violence, sexual abuse, and other violent forms. At least half of the missing children are never traced.

« With the report of the European Union Police Agency Europol on the disappearance of children in Europe in 2016, the entire world became aware of the existence of missing children. The Russia-Ukraine war brought this topic to the forefront once more, » she added.

Ukraine Invasion

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It marked a significant escalation in the conflict in Ukraine’s Donbas region that has been ongoing since Russia illegally annexed Crimea in 2014. Many millions of people have been displaced both within Ukraine and beyond its borders. Faced with one of the fastest-growing refugee situations in recent history, countries across Europe and beyond have taken decisive action to support people fleeing this conflict. In addition to foreign policy responses, such as coordinated international sanctions on Russia, military support, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, both state and non-state actors are increasingly turning their minds to how to prevent this evident humanitarian crisis from turning into a human trafficking crisis.

Russia’s war in Ukraine has caused mass destruction, displacement, and devastation. The history of past conflicts and emergent evidence from Ukraine indicate that this war will also create and amplify opportunities for human trafficking and exploitation. War and displacement put people in desperate situations, and there are considerable risks to those who remain in Ukraine and the many millions of refugees forced to leave. When people are in danger and struggling to meet basic needs, they may have little option but to make risky decisions – even if they know the risk involved.

lun. 2 Shawwal
الاثنين 2 شوّال

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