Blog Islam : La Louange

Ce blog traite de l'actualité de l'islam en France, à l'étranger et à la situation des musulmans de manière générale. Nous ne sommes affiliés à aucun groupe, parti politique ou religieux. Si ce site vous plait ou si vous souhaitez réagir, n'hésitez pas à laisser vos remarques et commentaires en bas de chaque article.

Blog sur l'islam et les musulmans

astaghfirullah embracing forgiveness during ramadan 2025

Astaghfirullah: Embracing Forgiveness During Ramadan 2025

Ramadan is a special month for Muslims. It’s a time for fasting, prayer, and charity. Seeking forgiveness is key, with the phrase « Astaghfirullah » meaning « I seek forgiveness from Allah. » This act is not just words but a deep acknowledgment of our mistakes. As Ramadan 2025 approaches, learning about Astaghfirullah can … [lire la suite]

marseille prayer times your daily schedule for salah

Marseille Prayer Times: Your Daily Schedule for Salah

Marseille is known for its rich history and diverse culture. It has a vibrant Muslim community. Observing the five daily prayers is key to Islamic practice, helping with discipline and spiritual connection. This article explores the unique aspects of prayer times in Marseille and offers insights beyond the standard schedules. … [lire la suite]

mosques in minneapolis minnesota

Top 5 Mosques in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Did you know Minneapolis has over twenty mosques? This shows the city’s strong Muslim community. This article will look at the top 5 mosques in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We’ll see what makes them special and why they’re key spiritual places. Whether you live here or just visit, exploring these mosques is … [lire la suite]

invocation et doua pour les examens en islam un guide pour les etudiants

Invocation et doua pour les examens en Islam : un guide pour les étudiants.

Saviez-vous que près de 70% des étudiants se sentent très stressés avant les examens? Cette pression pousse beaucoup à chercher des solutions. Ce guide sur les invocations pour réussir ses examens est donc très utile. Il montre comment les invocations et les prières peuvent apaiser l’esprit et renforcer la connexion … [lire la suite]

ramadan timetable 2025

Ramadan Timetable 2025: Prayer & Fasting Schedule

Did you know that over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide will fast during Ramadan? This sacred month is the ninth on the Islamic calendar. It’s important to have a detailed Ramadan 2025 schedule for prayer and fasting. This guide helps Muslims in the United States plan their religious duties. It provides … [lire la suite]

dua for palestine islamic prayers peace

Powerful Dua for Palestine: Islamic Prayers for Peace

Did you know that over 50% of Palestinians find strength in prayer during the conflict? This shows how important prayer is to them. It provides personal strength, hope, and healing in tough times. Prayer for Palestine is more than just words. It connects people to God and raises awareness about … [lire la suite]

la grande mosquee de paris

La Grande Mosquée de Paris: Un symbole de l’histoire franco-musulmane

La Grande Mosquée de Paris a été inaugurée en 1926. Elle est l’une des plus grandes mosquées d’Europe. Elle rend hommage aux soldats musulmans qui ont combattu dans la Première Guerre mondiale. Cet édifice est un symbole de l’histoire franco-musulmane. Il représente la diversité culturelle en France. Avec ses mosaïques, … [lire la suite]

priere pour une pluie benefique

Prière pour une pluie bénéfique

Près de 40% de la population mondiale vit dans des zones avec peu d’eau. Chercher des solutions spirituelles, comme les invocations pluie, est crucial. Elles aident à attirer une pluie bénéfique et à rétablir l’équilibre naturel. Dans de nombreuses cultures, la prière pour la pluie est plus qu’une simple dévotion. … [lire la suite]

les horaires de priere a bruxelles guide complet pour les musulmans

Les horaires de prière à Bruxelles: guide complet pour les musulmans

Bruxelles, une ville multiculturelle et dynamique, abrite une communauté musulmane florissante qui observe les horaires de prière tout au long de la journée. Si vous êtes musulman et que vous vivez à Bruxelles, il est essentiel de connaître les horaires de prière précis pour respecter vos obligations religieuses. Dans cet … [lire la suite]

limportance du tachahoud dans la priere une obligation ou un choix personnel

L’importance du Tachahoud dans la prière: une obligation ou un choix personnel ?

Bien qu’il s’agisse d’un geste souvent négligé, le Tachahoud est en réalité d’une grande importance dans la prière musulmane. Ce moment-clé de la prière, où le fidèle se trouve en position assise et récite des prières spécifiques, est-il une obligation ou un choix personnel ? C’est la question à laquelle … [lire la suite]

les plus beaux prenoms musulmans pour garcons qui vous inspireront

Les plus beaux prénoms musulmans pour garçons qui vous inspireront!

Bienvenue dans notre guide ultime des plus beaux prénoms musulmans pour garçons! Si vous cherchez un prénom unique et significatif pour votre petit garçon, ne cherchez pas plus loin. Nous avons rassemblé une liste de prénoms musulmans inspirants qui reflètent la richesse de la culture et de la spiritualité islamique. … [lire la suite]

lieux saints a damiette un voyage spirituel

Lieux Saints à Damiette : Un Voyage Spirituel

Damiette, une ville historique au nord du Nil, où se mêlent cultures et traditions, est réputée pour ses nombreux sites saints. Les habitants et les visiteurs peuvent s’y informer sur les مواقيت الصلاة دمياط dans les différentes mosquées. Sites Islamiques Mosquée Al-Gamal : Connue pour son style et son histoire, cette … [lire la suite]

horaires complets de priere pour alger

Horaires complets de prière pour Alger

À Alger, la métropole d’Algérie, les horaires des prières varient de quelques minutes chaque jour. Cette précision est essentielle pour les musulmans. Elle crée des moments précis pour le recueillement et la spiritualité. Les cinq prières quotidiennes sont basées sur le cycle solaire. L’horaire priere Alger est crucial pour les … [lire la suite]

step by step umrah guide pilgrimage

Step-by-Step Umrah Guide: Your Pilgrimage Journey

Every year, millions of people go to Makkah for a spiritual journey. In 2019, 19 million non-Hajj pilgrims visited Saudi Arabia for Umrah. This shows how important Umrah is, personally and for everyone. People from the USA and other places join this growing group seeking spiritual growth. Our step-by-step Umrah guide is here … [lire la suite]

100 short hadiths for every muslims

100 Short Hadiths for Every Muslims (Guide)

Explore the essence of Islamic wisdom with our guide on 100 Short Hadiths, providing spiritual guidance and moral principles for Muslims.

powerful duas during storms and heavy rain

Powerful Duas During Storms and Heavy Rain

Powerful Duas During Storms and Heavy Rain: Seeking Solace and Safety in Allah (SWT) The wrath of nature can be a humbling experience. When faced with powerful storms, heavy rain, or the threat of tornadoes, it’s natural to seek comfort and protection. In Islam, we turn to Allah (SWT) through … [lire la suite]

marseille prayer times 2024 with adhan timings

Exploring Marseille Prayer Times 2024 with Adhan Timings: A Comprehensive Guide

As a devout Muslim, staying abreast of accurate prayer times is crucial for fulfilling your religious obligations. This comprehensive guide meticulously presents Marseille prayer times for 2024 and adhan timings to ensure you never miss a single salah. Whether you’re a resident of Marseille or a visitor seeking spiritual guidance, … [lire la suite]

understanding allah y barek

Understanding « Allah y Barek »: A Common Expression of Muslim Gratitude

Muslims around the world frequently utter the phrase « Allah y Barek » (ٱللَّهُ يَبَارِكُ). But for those new to Islam or unfamiliar with Arabic, its meaning and appropriate use might be unclear. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding « Allah y Barek » and incorporating it into daily life. What … [lire la suite]

eid 2025 dates find out when is eid 2025

Eid 2025 Dates – Find Out When is Eid 2025

 Every year, millions of Muslims fast from dawn to sunset and participate in activities that test their self-control and draw them closer to Allah, such as reading the Quran, giving charity, and others. This year, Ramadan started on the evening of Sunday, March 1, with fasting beginning the following morning, … [lire la suite]

laylatul qadr dua prayers for a blessed night

Laylatul Qadr Dua: Prayers for a Blessed Night

If you are reading this post, Alhamdulillah, you are blessed with another holy month of Ramadan! Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to reset spiritually, recharge our objectives, and commit to forming new habits and maintaining good acts beyond the end of the month. Ramadan is entirely a special month for … [lire la suite]

understanding political islam a comprehensive overview

Understanding Political Islam: A Comprehensive Overview

Political Islam is a term that has gained significant prominence in recent years, often sparking debates and discussions around the world. It’s a complex and multifaceted concept encompassing various ideologies, movements, and interpretations within the Islamic world. This blog post will delve deep into the meaning of political Islam, its … [lire la suite]

zuhr beginning time in the world

Zuhr Beginning Time in the World

Understanding the Beginning of Zuhr Prayer Time Across the World For Muslims residing in the Western world, it’s crucial to understand the beginning of Zuhr prayer time in various regions. Zuhr, one of Islam’s five obligatory daily prayers, holds immense significance in a Muslim’s spiritual routine. As we navigate our … [lire la suite]

the complex dilemma of war as a solution to world problems

The Complex Dilemma of War as a Solution to World Problems

War has been a recurring phenomenon throughout human history, often arising as a response to various conflicts and disputes. While it might appear as a means to solve world problems, the complexities surrounding the consequences of war necessitate a deeper examination. This blog highlights the age-old debate on whether war … [lire la suite]

tawheed meaning in islam

Tawheed meaning in Islam

At the center of the Islamic faith lies a fundamental belief called Tawheed. This word means « one » or « unique » in Arabic, and it tells us that there is only one God, Allah. Tawheed is like the foundation of a house, holding up all the other beliefs and practices of Islam. … [lire la suite]

islam and science shaping human evolution

Islam and Science Shaping Human Evolution

Islam and science have been intertwined throughout history, creating a fascinating story of discovery, progress, and understanding. Together, they have shaped the way we know the world and influenced the course of civilization. This article explores the deep connection between Islam and science. We’ll discuss the remarkable contributions of Islamic … [lire la suite]

nurturing your faith a guide to finding strength during tough times

Nurturing Your Faith: A Guide to Finding Strength During Tough Times

Life is a journey marked by highs and lows, and during the low points, it’s not uncommon to question our faith and search for ways to strengthen it. Maintaining faith during tough times can be formidable whether you’re grappling with personal challenges, global crises, or unexpected hardships. This blog discusses … [lire la suite]

the vital importance of unity in the muslim world

The Vital Importance of Unity in the Muslim World

The Muslim world is a tapestry of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions that span continents and centuries. With over a billion followers, Islam is one of the world’s major religions, and yet, it is often characterized by fragmentation and disunity. In this blog article, we will explore the compelling reasons … [lire la suite]

exploring the virtues and wisdom of surah al falaq

Exploring the Virtues and Wisdom of Surah Al-Falaq

Surah Al-Falaq, found in the Quran, holds profound wisdom and timeless guidance for Muslims worldwide. In North America, where diversity and spirituality intersect, this surah offers valuable insights and virtues that resonate deeply with believers. Let’s learn about the virtues of Surah Al-Falaq and understand its significance in our lives. … [lire la suite]

the evolving landscape gen z muslims in america

The Evolving Landscape: Gen Z Muslims in America

Generation Z Muslims in America are forging their path in a society shaped by diversity, technology, and a quest for identity. With a unique blend of cultural heritage and progressive values, these young individuals leave an indelible mark on modern America. Let’s take a closer look at the state of … [lire la suite]

asr namaz timing in newyork

Asr Namaz Timing in NewYork

New York is home to a thriving Muslim community that observes their faith with dedication and devotion. Among the essential religious practices for Muslims is the performance of daily prayers, one of which is the Asr Namaz, or the afternoon prayer. In this guide, we will explore the Asr Namaz … [lire la suite]

mer. 26 Ramadan
الأربعاء 26 رمضان

Articles récents
invocation et doua pour les examens en islam un guide pour les etudiants
la grande mosquee de paris
priere pour une pluie benefique
les horaires de priere a bruxelles guide complet pour les musulmans
limportance du tachahoud dans la priere une obligation ou un choix personnel
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