marseille prayer times 2024 with adhan timings

Exploring Marseille Prayer Times 2024 with Adhan Timings: A Comprehensive Guide

As a devout Muslim, staying abreast of accurate prayer times is crucial for fulfilling your religious obligations. This comprehensive guide meticulously presents Marseille prayer times for 2024 and adhan timings to ensure you never miss a single salah. Whether you’re a resident of Marseille or a visitor seeking spiritual guidance, … [lire la suite]

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Eid 2025 Dates – Find Out When is Eid 2025

 Every year, millions of Muslims fast from dawn to sunset and participate in activities that test their self-control and draw them closer to Allah, such as reading the Quran, giving charity, and others. This year, Ramadan started on the evening of Sunday, March 1, with fasting beginning the following morning, … [lire la suite]

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Laylatul Qadr Dua: Prayers for a Blessed Night

If you are reading this post, Alhamdulillah, you are blessed with another holy month of Ramadan! Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to reset spiritually, recharge our objectives, and commit to forming new habits and maintaining good acts beyond the end of the month. Ramadan is entirely a special month for … [lire la suite]

understanding political islam a comprehensive overview

Understanding Political Islam: A Comprehensive Overview

Political Islam is a term that has gained significant prominence in recent years, often sparking debates and discussions around the world. It’s a complex and multifaceted concept encompassing various ideologies, movements, and interpretations within the Islamic world. This blog post will delve deep into the meaning of political Islam, its … [lire la suite]

zuhr beginning time in the world

Zuhr Beginning Time in the World

Understanding the Beginning of Zuhr Prayer Time Across the World For Muslims residing in the Western world, it’s crucial to understand the beginning of Zuhr prayer time in various regions. Zuhr, one of Islam’s five obligatory daily prayers, holds immense significance in a Muslim’s spiritual routine. As we navigate our … [lire la suite]

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The Complex Dilemma of War as a Solution to World Problems

War has been a recurring phenomenon throughout human history, often arising as a response to various conflicts and disputes. While it might appear as a means to solve world problems, the complexities surrounding the consequences of war necessitate a deeper examination. This blog highlights the age-old debate on whether war … [lire la suite]


Islamic Site

Praise be to Allah ! It is Allah that we praise, we ask for help and forgiveness, and we ask Him to protect us from the harm we do to ourselves and the evil deeds we can commit. The one whom Allah puts in the right way, no one can mislead him. The one whom Allah deceives, no one can put him back on the right path.

Site Islam

{ O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared.
And die not except with complete submission to Allah. } [Surah 3 - Verse 102]


{ O mankind ! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person, and from him He created his wife, and from them both He created many men and women and fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual, and the wombs. Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you. } [Surah 4 - Verse 1]

islamic siteislamic website

{ O you who believe ! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak the truth.
He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger he has indeed achieved a great achievement. } [Surah 33 - Verse 70-71]


The most true word is that of Allah and the best way is that of Muhammad (salla Allahou 'alayhi sallam). The worst thing is the new creation in religion (mouhdatha), every new creation is an innovation (bid'a), every innovation is misguidance, and all misguidance leads to hell.

If this site about Islam contains something that contradicts what Allah islam din said, or His Messenger (sallallahou 'alayhi wa sallam) said, made or tolerated, or a principle established by consensus, this is an error on my part and this is to be abandoned.

I implore Allah, the Most High, the Generous, Forgiving of sins, Welcoming to Repent, terrible in His punishment, to pass over our faults by His grace and generosity and to place this site in the balance of our good deeds, the Day when neither goods nor children will serve anything except the one that comes To Allah with a pure heart.

May Allah pray on His servant and send Muhammad (sallallahou 'alayhi wa sallam), and the members of his family and the companions. As salamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatouh. May the Peace, the Mercy of Allah and His blessing be upon you.

Tue 10 Muharram
الثلاثاء 10 محرّم

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