Go Green this Ramadan – 7 Tips to make this month Eco-friendly

go green this ramadan 7 tips to make this month eco friendly
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Publié le 12 avril 2022, par Samir | 13 h 49 min
Temps de lecture : 9 minutes

Ramadan is a month of blessings, peace, and spiritual cleansing. This month holds immense importance for Muslims worldwide as it brings different food for thought. With the blessed days and nights of Ramadan, Muslims get a chance to be more dutiful towards performing worship acts, and it teaches us our social responsibilities.

As much as we are responsible for assessing our actions and taking care of our family, friends, and neighbors, we have a social obligation too. It is to be mindful of our environment and save our planet Earth, for we are accountable for all our actions and choices that we make in this world. Let’s seek Allah’s forgiveness this month and make sure that we sustainably utilize the natural resources and environment.

In this article, we have compiled a list of 7 tips on how we can go green this Ramadan and make this month more eco-friendly. We hope these tips will prove to be a practical solution to some little steps that we could take to create a better and healthier environment. Let’s get straight to the practical tips and plan our upcoming move accordingly.

7 Tips to go green and eco-friendly this Ramadan

1. Avoid eating meat during Ramadan

Fasting throughout the day, mainly during summers, is a challenge, but we should review our eating habits this month. In the essence of Ramadan and to realize the hunger of those who are needy, we can consume less meat. Your iftar table could be complete even without meat! Studies also show that more than 51 percent of greenhouse gas emissions are caused due to meat manufacturing units.

This study strengthens the fact that eating meat items increase the cause of Earth pollution. The more meat products we consume, the more polluted our planet becomes. And during Ramadan, this habit increases ten folds as eating expenses double.

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an, « Eat and drink all that is halal (lawful) and tayyab (wholesome and pure). »

[Qur’an, 2:68]

So, the good idea is to shift to eating fresh vegetables during Ramadan. We can add three or four vegetable items to our weekly iftar or dinner list if not daily. No wonder you will find a series of tasty veggie recipes available on YouTube. Besides, eating vegetables is a good source of dietary fibers, proteins, and minerals. And we should be mindful of our daily nutrient consumption.

2. Detach and Reflect

Our Islamic teachings encourage us to utilize time efficiently and indulge in meaningful activities. Ramadan is the best month of the year when we can spend our days and night more purposefully. Praying during the daytime, spending time with less privileged individuals, and worshipping The Almighty during the night are some of the soulful acts this month.

This blessed month also taught us to sit back and detach ourselves from worldly lifestyles and focus on improving our spiritual well-being. So, as Muslims, we should engage more in religious acts, unplug all our gadgets and give time to social and religious services. Think about controlling our material desires by buying less and donating more to those who cannot afford life’s essential luxuries.

We will contribute towards saving electricity, and it’s a good break for our mental health. Read an Islamic book, spend time in meaningful conversations, learn a skill and go out for a walk in your nearby park. Remember, mental well-being before anything else makes you more active and efficient.

3. Waste Less

Islam is a comprehensive religion that offers a complete code of life and encourages its followers to follow mindful living. Allah advises Muslims not to go extravagant in their buying and eating. He says:

« Eat and drink but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not those who waste. »

[Qur’an, 7:31]

A mindful and simple life also demands us to waste less and save more. A true Muslim is neither extravagant nor miser. He follows a rational approach to his buying, eating, and spending habits. Be it our food or money, Islam advises us not to indulge in wasting things.

The Last Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH), taught Muslims not to leave leftover food; he said, « You do not know which part of your food carries the blessings. »

Before Ramadan starts, you can curate an Iftar or dinner list and prepare food ahead of time. That way, you would not have to cook daily, and you will always have a batch of cooked food for Iftar. Keep checking the frozen food for expiry; otherwise, consume it within weeks.

Another thoughtful idea is to visit a local food bank and donate leftover items stored in your fridge. Our religious duty includes sharing the same food at our dinner table, and Ramadan is the best month to implement this act. However, take care of water consumption.

4. Cut off your Carbon Footprint

People and industries can follow several methods to cut off carbon footprints and help control global climate change. Carbon footprint is the quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions due to an individual’s or organization’s activity. It is a massive threat to the environment, and every individual, including big organizations, must take part in reducing carbon footprints to save the planet Earth.

For that purpose, we need to alter our lifestyles and buying decisions. Buy locally produced food from local markets; that way, you will support the local producers and cut transportation costs. Buy fresh local food items than processed food as the latter involves extensive packaging that damages the planet.

Start using public transport and avoid driving to reduce your carbon footprint. Switch to walking or cycling instead of using the car; it’s helpful for the planet and a good exercise for your physical and mental well-being.

5. Reduce Plastic Use

Plastic is all around, and with more consumerism, we see plastic bags, plastic toys, and utensils everywhere. But we need to reduce this environmental threat to save the Earth. Excessive plastic use is not only harmful to humans but also to wildlife. Scientific studies reveal that around 8 million metric tons of plastic go into oceans every year. This abuse causes the plastic to be found in sea turtles and seabirds.

And according to scientists, if we do not control plastic use, then by 2050, oceans will have more plastic than marine life. As a result, the fish we’d consume will have plastic, and land animals who eat plastic may eventually die. Hence, it’s about time we think critically of our plastic use and tries to be more organic in our buying and eating practices.

6. Go Organic

It doesn’t take a lot to go for an organic approach. For shopping, get cloth bags instead of plastic ones. If you are doing fruit or vegetable shopping, take your cloth bags to avoid plastic bags. Switch to glass or tin containers.

Avoid plastic bottles for toiletries, get soap and shampoo bars, go for organic choices, or simply reduce, re-use, and recycle. It’s good for the environment and helps you keep a minimal approach.

Keep a close eye on all you eat and ensure it’s produced from an organic source. Look out for brands that acknowledge sustainable practices rather than producing inorganic food, which negatively impacts the ecosystem.

7. Declutter

As you cleanse your body and mind from impure thoughts and impossible acts during Ramadan, your surroundings need a decluttering spree. This Holy month, take a close look at all your material belongings and ask yourself, do I need them? If the answer is no, keep it aside and give it away to needy people. We hoard a lot more than we need, and it’s better to let those items find a better home where they are appropriately utilized.

Do a deep cleansing of your wardrobe and discard whatever you think no longer serves you. Donating those items to a charitable organization is a good idea. In another case, you can sell off clothes on social media groups if they are in ‘as good as new condition.

Many people who can’t seem to afford pricey items might feel excited to get clothes or shoes in mint condition that you’d sell or swap online.

For a detailed spring clean, make sure you use non-toxic cleaning sprays that are not too hard for the environment. You will find several options in the market; just go for environmental-friendly ones.

Key Takeaway

The blessed month of Ramadan has reached its first Ashra (ten days), and Muslims worldwide have been celebrating this Holy month with great respect and grandeur. Many of them are busy cleaning their hearts and minds with spiritual lessons and soulful reflections, while others spend their days and nights fulfilling the needs of the poor. It’s a religious festivity and a time to self-reflect, re-assess and organize ourselves.

Charitable causes become the most active these thirty days, and people donate with open hearts towards organizations that work all year round for people’s welfare. These acts remind us that we are all one under the flag of Islam, and our religion expects us to devote ourselves to humanity’s service. There is no more significant cause than the one done for saving a human’s life.

During the nights of Ramadan, Muslims get ample time to spend with their friends and family, share positive thoughts and discuss matters relevant to Islam or some productive discussions. It results in a positive outcome on our overall physical and mental health. All year round, people are busy at their workplaces, running here and there to achieve financial stability. But this one month, everyone just gathers around and pauses to get closer to The Almighty. While we develop a close bond with Allah, it’s the best time to audit ourselves and examine how and what measures we have taken to save our environment. Are we among the ones destroying the planet Earth or do our actions contribute towards a better and cleaner mother Earth?

This Ramadan, let’s spend it more dutifully and re-examine how we should save our environment from toxic, inorganic, and plastic waste. Read more about sustainable living and practice it in your daily life; the future is minimalism and sustainability. And we could contribute towards a peaceful future for our coming generations.

We wish you a healthy, happy, and safe Ramadan. We hope to see you giving back to the environment and fulfilling your social obligations.

mar. 10 Mouharram
الثلاثاء 10 محرّم

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