7 Islamic Productivity Tips If You’re a Student – Simple Guide To Productivity

A productive person is someone laser-focused on his objectives and passionate to achieve his goals. Therefore, productivity can be linked to passion and estimation of our drive towards a certain task. The more focused we are, the better we will perform in our field of study or work.
7 islamic productivity tips if youre a student simple guide to productivity
Crédit d'image : viewpoint.net.in
Publié le 15 février 2022, par Samir | 5 h 49 min
Temps de lecture : 9 minutes

How many times have you lost count of falling asleep while preparing for your final examination? Or had trouble focusing on the contents of assignments? Such situations happen while you are trying to concentrate on improving your grades but fail to give your best. You are not alone if you have been experiencing low efficiency at studies or trying to follow the pace.
We have compiled a list of the 7 best Islamic productivity tips that could help you manage the study pressure while you are on campus. By the end of this article, we are hopeful that you will be able to get clarity on keeping yourself productive without damaging your health or losing your faith. Islam wants us to excel in every walk of life, especially for those studying, it offers a wealth of religious wisdom and guidance.
Before we dive into the most effective productivity tips, let’s have a look and try to analyze what the world’s most peaceful religion teaches us about productive living and how it asks us to be productive in all walks of life.

What is Productivity?

Let’s look at the definition of productivity. Productivity is a calculation of your efficiency to do a certain task. It is a common misconception that productivity implies performing more work daily. However, a productive mindset or productivity is more about consistently completing our tasks.
In another perspective, productivity is a continuous source of a positive attitude that directs us to take achievable measures. This includes staying focused on our work until it is done.
A productive person is someone laser-focused on his objectives and passionate to achieve his goals. Therefore, productivity can be linked to passion and estimation of our drive towards a certain task. The more focused we are, the better we will perform in our field of study or work.

What Does Islam Say About Productivity?

Islamic teachings emphasize that followers should perform such acts that are beneficial for this life and life here-after. Therefore, Islam has taught Muslims the principles of self-discipline and the importance of being productive. Our religion requires us to be active members of society who are healthy in terms of physical as well as mental health.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Take benefit of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death.” (Al-Bukhari, 40)
If we take a look at Islamic principles and teachings on how to lead life, we will learn that our religion wants us to be productive rather than procrastinate in important affairs of life. The overall basic pillars of Islam teach us how to organize our life and be responsible and active community members. It provides us with essential directions on how to focus, set goals and lead a purposeful life. All three elements of maintaining a productive life.
Productivity also doesn’t necessarily refer to our physical well-being. It depends on how peaceful our minds and emotions are. These mental and physical productivity levels can be increased when we are whole-heartedly connected to our Lord and follow His teachings dutifully.
A Hadith from our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH) indicates the importance of productivity:
“The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, while it is good in both.” (Al-Bukhari)

1. Make the Most of Night’s Sleep

Having a good stress-free sleep has endless benefits. Our religion also encourages us to follow a healthy sleep routine by rising early and going to bed during early hours. Our brain only works efficiently when we have a good night’s sleep of at least 8 hours. In case we do not complete our sleeping pattern, our brain will start functioning abruptly.
Since a healthy sleeping routine results in a healthy mind and body that is why being a good-performing student you must avoid all kinds of distractions. Nothing comes more important than the well-being of your mind and overall health.
Praying a verse or two from the Holy Quran before going to bed would also help you enjoy a peaceful sleep. A daily practice of reciting ‘Kalma’ followed by a couple of Quranic verses is essential before you call it a day.

2. Look for a Dedicated Study Environment

No matter you are studying at your campus library, a roadside cafe, or your bedroom, a quiet relaxing and noise-free study area is important. Look for a spot where you can comfortably study and dedicate your full energy towards your subjects. Any place too crowded or jam-packed with multiple distractions would harm your well-being.
Islam also teaches its followers to keep a healthy lifestyle and follow the organized patterns with which the world revolves. In HIS universe, every big or small creature is following an assigned cycle, including sun and moon that rise and set off at their specific hours. These are the signs for humans to realize how Allah wants us to be disciplined and productive in our day-to-day life, be it academics, house tasks, or professional duties.
That is why, always remember to give yourself a relaxing, stress-free environment for learning and studying. The fewer distractions you have, the more efficient you will be at studies. A clutter-free study space increases your learning capabilities and boosts your brain activity. Try that out!

3. Listen to Your Favorite Nasheed or Na’at

It’s all cool to keep your book aside and play your favorite nasheed or na’at whilst you’re studying. Human brains tend to get tired after a repetitive activity and melodious religious tones come as a savior. Research also suggests that if you listen to soft religious nasheed during assignments it can boost your productive cells and help you focus more for longer hours.
Turn on the radio or listen to some latest hamd, naat, or nasheed on Spotify. You would feel lighter and freshened up. Traditional Sufi music or Turkish melodies would leave a healthy impact on your overall academic performance.
Islam is not a religion of compulsion. As much as it allows its believers to lead a prosperous life, it also teaches them to take care of their mental health.

4. Adjust Your Study Hours

If you want to thrive in your academic career and stay active during your study workload, then manage your study hours. Everyone prefers to study at his suitable time. If you cannot focus on academics by keeping awake all night, then it is alright. Work on what matches your convenience and then pick that time for your studies.
Study during early hours in the morning instead of the evening if you think you can efficiently complete your projects during the start of the day. There is no rule – do what suits your comfort and brain efficiency. While you are dedicating your energy to study at night, make sure you perform Tahajjud as well. This act will not only boost your academic efficiency but also offers a sense of spiritual contentment.

5. Begin Your Day Early

As they say, an early bird catches the worm. It is a healthy practice to begin your day a little earlier and plan your study hours accordingly. If you observe Islamic teachings and the overall system of the universe then you would learn that our religion also wants us to maintain a healthy organized daily routine.
Start your day with Tahajjud prayers before Fajr and continue with your assigned tasks for the day. According to research, your brain is the most functional in the morning. Try learning a few pages from your Psychology notes! You will realize that the things you learn in the morning would be easier to memorize than those done in the night. However, every student has a different learning mechanism. What suits one doesn’t necessarily apply to another student.
When your day is planned, you don’t have to worry about pending assignments. All your academic stress seems to ease off when you have positively dedicated your time and energy.

6. Manage Your Time

Time management is an integral element of your success. No matter whether you are a student or a professional, managing time will take you to places of growth and success. Islamic scholars and religious teachings encourage Muslim students to value their time and not procrastinate.
When you aim to maintain a balance between your academic priorities and time, you would not feel overwhelmed. This habit of managing time will stay with you as a faithful reminder during times of professional journey as well.
So value your time and manage it right, you will excel in academics as well as extra-curriculars. By the end of your degree, you will come out much prouder and stronger as you would be an expert in managing your time. Managing time has been an excellent factor in maximizing your success rate.

7. Go on a Quick Break

Our minds tend to get exhausted due to contact study pressure. So it’s important to keep your brain happy by closing down books and taking a short break. Go outside to a nearby park or sit down on a bench outside your classroom. Speak to your friend on call and connect on a light conversation. But be mindful of your time. Play with pets or listen to a podcast from your favorite Islamic scholar.
Nature also helps in keeping our minds relaxed. If you have plants in your campus or home, then sit with them, water them or simply observe them. You will feel joyful just by looking at those green living beings thriving happily. Even sitting down and pondering deep counts as an Ibadah. So while you’re on a break from study, think deeply around the countless blessings of the Almighty and be grateful. The aim is to give your mind a quick pause and come back rejuvenated.


Academic life comes with its due pressures, workload and as a student, you have to keep up with the fast-paced situations. The above-mentioned productivity tips in light of Islamic teachings are a light of positivity and a source of inspiration to becoming a productive and best-performing student.
Spend your energy levels on something productive rather than killing time with pointless activities. We do not discourage fun and games, but while you are up for an important project, make sure you are giving your best input. The results will be surprising!
When you are on the road to acing your academic career while strengthening your spiritual connection with the Almighty, you are blessed with the best of rewards in your studies as well as other aspects of life. Remember, your academic years are the most crucial period of your life. You are the driver in this journey and it’s all on you how good you drive while avoiding distractions and turning out a productive student.

mar. 10 Mouharram
الثلاثاء 10 محرّم

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